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Simply Impeccable

Situated in Carver County, Minnesota, Simply Impeccable is a high-end leading cleaning and organizing service. The company recently added a new branch, Simply Organized Solutions, the goal was to create a fresh, new look and incorporate the latest services marketing technologies. 

Clean Products
Simply Colors
Simply Impeccable Website
SOS Email Announcement Header
Organized Shelf
KMF Simply Impeccable

Subject: New Services Added to Simply

Simply Impeccable Social Media Post
Simply Impeccable Cleaning Logo
Simply Organized Solutions Logo

Original company logo and the new branch logo

Thank You Cars SIC


New Website

Client's Website Expectations:

  • A simplistic website design

  • Placeholder stock photos until professional photos are available

  • A fresh, clean, and modern website appearance


New Logo

The client initially desired a bright orange for the Simply Organized Solution logo. However, upon the presentation of the lavender color and the leaf design to align with the cleaning logo, the client approved the change.



The company needed new messaging to incorporate the new branch.


Email Campaign

An email was necessary to introduce the new website and organizing services.


Social Media

Utilizing the weeks before the holiday season to prompt users to schedule complimentary consultations and appointments for cleaning and organizing services.

Drinking Horse

Get in Touch Today!

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